Please click on the following link to confirm this transfer of stag registration.

Click here to complete transfer"; $subject = $system_from_subject_prefix." stag register transfer confirmation"; $header = "From: ".$system_from_name." <".$system_from_email.">\r\n".'Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"\r\n'; mail($recipient, $subject, $mail_body, $header); echo "Your transfer request has been started.
".$name." has been notified and will need to confirm transfer before the record transferred.

"; } else { echo "Error: Usename or email does not exist, you can only transfer a stag to another registed user.
"; } } //The complicated Validation ?>
Please enter the username or email of the person you wish to transfer
this stag registration to.
Email or Username